Archives for June 2015

#BlackKidsMatter: A Talk on Race, Identity & the Impact on Black Kids

This Saturday, June 13, 2015 I will be speaking to the Parents Group of the Adelaide Sanford Institute  about the ways that colorism, hair and identity impact the academic and social development of Black children. I will spend some time discussing the role that parents play in preparing our kids to overcome these issues and introduce strategies for building esteem and … [Read more...]

Hey Children’s Place Clothing Store: Black Kids Matter

You know how your kids hit a growth spurt right as the weather changes and there’s no way on God’s earth that you can stretch last summer’s wardrobe any further? So that happened at our house. Right as the weather turned  to wake-up-sweaty-degrees we realized we had to get the kids some new clothes. We decided to go to Children’s Place because we had a ton of coupons and knew … [Read more...]