Everything is White … Unless You’re Told Otherwise

“Santa just IS White. Santa is what he is, kids…Jesus was a White man too.” With these statement, Fox News anchor Megan Kelly kicked off a conversation that she was not prepared to manage. Kelly was responding to a Slate article written by Aisha Harris in which Harris argued that Santa should be depicted as a penguin. Harris’ argument was grounded in the fact that seeing the … [Read more...]

White Women + Black Hair = Racial Progress?

White Women + Black Hair = Progress? Recently there have been a number of images circulating in which corporate White women are featured wearing business suits and hairstyles typically seen only on Black women. These images are part of an exhibit, which seeks to build bridges between White and Black women. The photographer is a young Black woman by the name of Endia Beal, who … [Read more...]

Before Steppin’ to Today’s Black Woman, Michelle Obama Would Like a Word

  I'm sure you've heard about "FLOTUS Hecklegate" by now. If not, let me set the scene: the uber talented Michelle Obama is on stage at a Democratic fundraiser imploring the audience to do their best for today's children. To give them a chance to grow in a world that leaves them empowered - as opposed to oppressed. Then out of no where comes the distinct sound of a … [Read more...]