Relax, Relate, Release…Repeat!

Focus on the Important Things Remember that episode of A Different World when Whitley Gilbert (played by Jasmine Guy), couldn't get over the fact that her rich, ex-boyfriend Julian had moved on? In this scene (which you can see in the clip below) Whitley (who always had a capacity for les dramatics) tries to get over him and sees a shrink who whips her into shape with a dose … [Read more...]

Karen’s Body Beautiful: 10 Years and Beyond

As a resident member of the 7M Hair Type Category let me assure you that not all natural hair products are created equal. Neither are the companies that create the products. When I first discovered the Karen's Body Beautiful hair products I was impressed. Not just because of the awesome ways in which the products seem to enhance my 8G hair type (and believe you me, they … [Read more...]

Uncle Sam Doesn’t Want the Real You

(Unless He Can’t Get Anyone Else to Fight in His Wars) When creating a war ready military unit, the concept of “uniformity” is important. But concepts of uniformity do not exist in a vacuum. When military norms have their roots in a society that is permeated with a racist ideology (one that says Whiteness and all things associated with it are superior and that Blackness and … [Read more...]

Black Parents: Raising Black Kids

To all the parents raising Black kids - this one is for you. The “Raising Confident Kinky/Coily/Curly Haired Black Kids” event at the end of last year was a huge success—and we have YOU to thank for that.  The community really came out to support and learn why we need to protect our children’s self esteem. One thing I realized then and in the weeks that followed was … [Read more...]

White Dads, Black Dads: Same Role, Different Stories

A few years ago when this picture hit the internet, everyone who logged on collectively ooh’d, ahhh’d and swooned.   Most of us didn’t feel all soft and fuzzy simply because of an image of a daddy combing a daughter’s hair. For many, the hormonal surge of happy-place emotions was amplified because it was a White dad combing his Black daughter’s natural hair. This … [Read more...]