Archives for August 2012

Hampton Hair Policy – Meet the Doll Test

A few years ago, the business school at Hampton University, one of our nation’s top historically Black universities, implemented a policy that banned natural hairstyles for its male students. The university declared ‘braids, dreadlocks and other unusual hairstyles are not acceptable’ for majors in their five-year master's of business administration program.” At the time, … [Read more...]

On Falling In Love With Black Hair

So the Gabby-Hair-Drama continues. If you have no idea what the words “Gabby-Hair-Drama” mean, you can get a cliff notes version in Part 1 of this post. Initially many had concerns that the longer this topic was in the spotlight the more harm it would cause. But as an “eternal optimist” – I actually think the conversation has begun to evolve into a more critical and powerful … [Read more...]

Dear Gabby: Hurt Sistas Hurt Other Sistas

A short while ago, I wrote about nappy hair haters. One of my main points was that when Black women hate on nappy hair – it’s usually more about the hater than it is about the woman wearing her hair in a natural style. Black people living in Western society have a lengthy history of being taught to resent and despise each other.   So when Sistas with perms hate … [Read more...]